JavaScript 2022

Term 3 Wednesday

May - July 2022

This site will be updated live during the sessions

Week 8 12 Apply 2 Slide Example Any Length Array

001window.onload = function(){	
002	const obj = {
003		age: 10
004	};
006	//function that the apply will be on
007	// NOTE: we take the entire array as arr
008	const increaseAge = function(){
009		// we can use the arguments object to get array contents
010		//
011		for(let i = 0; i<arguments.length;i++)
012		{
013			this.age += arguments[i];
014			console.log('arr['+i+']: ' + arguments[i])
015			console.log('age: ' + this.age)
017		}
018		return this.age;
019	}
021	let arr = [1, 2, 3];
022	console.log('age before apply: '+ obj.age);
023	increaseAge.apply(obj , arr );
024	//obj.age will now have a value of 22
025	console.log('age after apply: '+ obj.age);